Bienvenidos a la Universidad Ana G. Méndez en Carolina, Puerto Rico y a su Blog Numismático.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Standing Liberty Quarters

Good news for serious collectors and beginners of liberty standing quarters.

The following books have been integrated into our Numismatic Collection:

This book is divided into three parts: Part I: Varieties and Errors by type. Part II: Varieties and Errors by date and mintmark. Part III: Odds & Ends. In each chapter the author describes in a very meticulous way, the details to be considered by the collector. 

This book is illustrated and is divided into nine chapters. In the introduction the author shares with us how he started collecting coins and how he fell in love with the standing liberty quarters.

On page 43 under the heading Her Face Launched a Million Coins, there is a copy of an article published by The Evening News dated September 19, 1972. The article mentioned who was the Liberty Girl who adorned the United States Quarter. 

Both books are non-circulating. Each one is readily available to collectors and are suitable for reading. May be consulted in Special Collections Reference Area. Please ask reference staff for assistance.

Daura Bodden
Blog Administrator

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